Rupert Friend on the rise! plus new Young Victoria stills, movie poster, trailer, and official website link

Rupert Friend On The Rise

Rupert Friend may currently be best know as being the boyfriend of actress Keira Knightley but over the last couple of years he has been establishing himself as one of the country's best young actors.

He broke through in 2004 in The Libertine and since then has mixed an matched his roles as he has slowly built a career for himself.

The Libertine saw him star alongside Johnny Depp as Billy Downs, a friend and lover of John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester.

But it was his role as Mr Wickham in Joe Wright's 2005 adaptation of Pride & Prejudice that shot the young actor to fame, as well as introducing him to a certain Miss Knightley.

The film was a critical and commercial success boosting the careers of all the young cast including Rosamund Pike, Friend and Knightley herself who was trying to shake off her Pirates of the Caribbean tag.

This week sees him return to the big screen, and the period drama as he takes on the role of Prince Albert in The Young Victoria.

Starring Emily Blunt in the role of Queen Victoria the film follows the early years of her reign and her relationship with her husband.

Read full article @ UK's Female First.

The The Young Victoria opens in theaters in the UK today (March 6)!

Rupert's Upcoming Films:
  1. Buddha's Little Finger (2009) (in production) .... Pyotr
  2. Black Death (2010) (pre-production) .... Osmund

  3. Chéri (2009) .... Cheri

The Young Victoria Stills

More The Young Victoria Movie Stills

The Young Victoria Movie Poster

Watch the HD trailer for Young Victoria below:

[source: movietrailers4all]

Here are several RF/The Young Victoria related articles:


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