Keira Knightley urges Human Rights pride

According to an article from, British starlet Keira Knightley has called for the true meaning of "human rights" to be acknowledged on the 60th anniversary of the landmark UN declaration.

Knightley made the comments in support of Amnesty International's Protect the Human campaign.

A picture of the actress holding a banner (see picture above to your left ^)carrying the campaign group's slogan was released to coincide with the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

She said: "I wanted to be part of this film for Amnesty to help raise awareness of the UDHR and to help them, in a small way, to campaign against the abuses of human rights that are still happening every day."

The actress added: "It seems that 'human rights' has become a bit of a loaded term in this country, but if you look at the declaration that countries made 60 years ago, it just sets out a series of basic rules about how people should treat each other.

"The UDHR is something that every one should be aware of and be proud of as a statement of our common humanity."

Read the full article here.


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