Frost/Nixon Reviews

A couple of early good reviews for Matthew Macfadyen's latest film, Frost/Nixon, which opens in select theaters in the U.S. tomorrow (December 5th) and everywhere Christmas Day (December 25th)...


Frost/Nixon: A–

By Lisa Schwarzbaum

Frost/Nixon is a fact-based drama, starring Michael Sheen and Frank 
 Langella, about a mid-1970s confrontation between a wily British TV host and a 
 disgraced American president. Doubt is a fictional drama, starring Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman, about a mid-1960s confrontation between an imperious Bronx nun in charge of a parochial school and a liberal priest she is convinced has behaved improperly with a student. The two might seem to have nothing in common, save that both previously enjoyed award-laden Broadway runs, and both are currently receiving Prestige Movie treatment.

Read full review.

From Associated Press:

"Frost/Nixon," a Universal Pictures release, is rated R for some language. Running time: 122 minutes. Four stars out of four.

"No holds barred," Richard Nixon urges to David Frost as the two prepare to sit down for a series of interviews in 1977.

As "Frost/Nixon" powerfully reveals, that statement contains equal parts promise and threat from both the disgraced figure on screen and the actor playing him.

Frank Langella is positively formidable as the former president, a skilled manipulator under optimal circumstances whose desperate desire for rehabilitation makes him extra dangerous.

Langella isn't doing a dead-on impression, which is preferable; Nixon's quirks have been imitated so frequently and poorly, such an approach risks lapsing into caricature. Rather, he has internalized a volatile combination of inferiority, awkwardness, quick wit and a hunger for power. He loses himself in the role with rumbles and growls, with a hunched carriage and the slightest lift of the eyebrows.

Read full review.


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