BBC Press Page Interview: Matthew Macfadyen plays Arthur Clennam in Little Dorrit

BBC Press Office has a press release packs for Matthew Macfadyen's Little Dorrit, a major BBC One Dickens adaptation.

Here's a an interview they did for

Matthew Macfadyen plays Arthur Clennam, the mysterious figure whose return from overseas to fulfil his dying father's last wish completely transforms the lives of the Dorrits.

The charismatic leading actor, who has gained a huge following on the small screen as Tom in Spooks and on the big screen as Mr Darcy in Pride And Prejudice, says he had no hesitation in accepting the role of Arthur.

"This story really blew my hair back," he grins.

"Then when the rest of the casting came through, I couldn't believe my luck. I've been in some sexy casts in my time, but nothing quite like this!"

Matthew, who has also starred in The Way We Live Now, The Project and Warriors, goes on to outline the role.

"It's quite a challenge playing Arthur. At first, I was worried that he's merely the glue that sticks this story together.

"I didn't want him to be drippy or overly passive or always on the back foot. There's always a concern as an actor that you'll be boring unless your character is swinging from a chandelier.

Read full interview @ BBC Press Page here.


  1. i love i love i lobe this movie thank you fot this blog meu ingles é pessimo sou do beijo enorme pro mathew macfadyen wonderful actor e pra keira também kisses. rose.

  2. I started notice Matthew on this film. And then I went back to see Pride and Prejudice. He is awesome! I can't believe how I was drawn into the story and, of course, how handsome he is. His voice is also soooo sexy.


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