Keira Knightley's scheduled TV Talk Show and Duchess Movie Premiere Appearances

Also, speaking of The Duchess...
Duchess Premiere Wednesdays for the next two weeks: London Leicester Square on the 3rd , New York Plaza on the 10th, with Toronto TIFF in between on the 7th. Italy will see the movie out on December 23rd, and the Australian release has been pulled forward to October 2nd.

- The Duchess will form part of the Rome Film Festival, and Variety reports Keira is expected to attend.
- Channel 4 News had a report this evening on the film, and the marketers' decision to draw parallels with Diana. Keira is interviewed. Daily Mail's take on the story here.
- TimeOut has an interview with director Saul Dibb, as does The Independent.
- US/Canada competition to win a Duchess trip to England and visit Chatsworth.
- Tourism tie-in articles: Kedleston Hall - Clandon Park - Derby Cathedral.
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