On The Set: An Education Stills Featuring Carey Mulligan & Rosamund Pike

Rotten Tomatoes recently visited the set of P&P alumni Carey Mulligan and Rosamund Pike's upcoming film, An Education and here's part of what Carey said during her interview on the set:

"In the last two weeks we've been shooting everything with Rosamund Pike and Dominic Cooper, all the stuff in which Jenny goes through her transformation," says Mulligan. "And now we're back shooting the school days stuff. I'm back in school uniform and weirdly the crew have started talking to me differently! I'm 22, but I feel 16!"

Read full article here.

Also, check out some exclusive stills mostly featuring Carey and one with Carey and Rosamund in An Education below (taken from Rotten Tomatoes)!

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View more exclusive images from the set of An Education here.


  1. That's the first time I've seen Carey Mulligan as anything but Kitty! :)

    It's going to be nice to see her and Rosamund together in a film again!

  2. JW, you probably missed the 2007 version of Northanger Abbey as Carey was in it. She played the supporting role, Isabella Thorpe. She also appeared in BBC's Dr. Who series (though I haven't seen her on that show).

    Yeah, it's going to be really nice to see her and Rosamund in a film again. This time, Carey is the lead star. Hope to see this either the big screen (if it gets theatrical release) or on dvd.


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