Filming on Matthew Macfadyen's Little Dorrit Takes Place In Pinewood

As previously posted last January, Matthew Macfadyen will star in a BBC adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel "Little Dorrit," which started production (and filming) sometime late last month of April and will commence filming for at least 3 months in Pinewood Studios outside London. Matthew plays Arthur Clemmon and Claire Foy as Amy Dorrit.

Screenplay by Andrew Davies--writer of '95 Pride and Prejudice and 2008 Sense and Sensibility.

Credit and thanks to Kate (byatt lover) over at my P&P forum for the news as well as Matthew Macfadyen News @ Topix for additional info.


  1. ARTHUR Davies? What a lovely Dickensian name. I'm not sure I'm familiar with his work :D

    ......I think you may have been misinformed. It has been adapted by a very famous writer called Andrew Davies.....noted for his steamy and slightly off-book renditions!

    Word is that there are a couple of days shoot in the North Kent seaside town of Deal over the next couple of days but we don't know if they include Mr Clennam. Let's hope someone takes some pictures.

  2. Sorry, that was a typo, lol. I know it was Andrew Davies not Arthur Davies. I didn't notice the typo till you've posted.

    Thanks lady, for the correction and for your comment here, I appreciate it.

    Hope we hear more info and see some behind the scene filming photos.


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