Early Screening Review For Edge Of Love

Here's part of the review:
"What makes it interesting is mainly it's lush visuals. The cinematography is by far and away the star of the show. In some scenes the shots rival Atonement for WWII period lushness (well almost, anyway). And I think it is fair to say this is a film in love with it's main star Keira Knightley. Every shot is crafted to show her off to perfection, and her beauty is perhaps even more on show here than it was in Atonement. The opening shot, in bright technicolour, pans outwards from her face, and it is truly mesmerising. Knightley backs up her superficial attributes with a stellar performance, outacting both male leads (Cillian Murphy and Matthew Rhys) quite comfortably."
Read full review here.
The Edge Of Love will be in theaters sometime later this year.
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