P&P Fan Encounter: Maia's Carey Mulligan Signed Autographs and Chatsworth Photos

Another wonderful P&P fan story from Maia (from Hungary), who kindly and previously shared here, her Keira Knightley Signed Autograph Photo! and Rosamund Pike Autographed Photos last year. This time she wrote a fan mail to the lovely Carey Mulligan, which she got a reply just recently. She's sharing her fan story (of getting in touch with one of the 2005 P&P actors) and scanned photos featured here in this blog, which will be archived in the extra page: P&P Fan Encounters. Once again, THANK YOU, Maia! :-)

Now, read Maia's Carey Mulligan fan story (with CM signed autograph photos included) as she wrote it herself and see some of her beautiful Chatsworth photos as she just visited there most recently...

Last year, 9th November, I decided to sent my letter to all Bennet girls (Rosamund Pike, Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan, Talulah Riley, and Jena Malone), where I wrote all of them, about all my deepest love & admiration to them!!!! First, I wrote to lovely Rosamund and got a reply from her. One month later, I got the answer of Keira's agent with the signed photo of her and now, 22 July, I got the loveliest reply by Carey Mulligan!!! She signed both the two photos of her, which I sent to her and she wrote on them: For Maia, best wishes, carey Mulligan. :) She wrote my name on them, too. :) I really love her. She is a blooming rose and as I said all of them my love is for them is eternal. That's the sign:) It made my day, life, everything!!!! Just wanted to share it here. My beloved Carey. The biggest gift and sign before my journey to Chatsworth. Talulah and Jena might answer one day, but I'm on contact with them on twitter too. :) So, I am more than happy. Thank, thank you my dear Carey!!!!!!!!!!

Maia's Carey Mulligan Signed Autograph Photos

Maia's Chatsworth (aka Pemberley) Photos
Maia's Haddon Hall (aka Lambton Inn) Photo

(Carey Mulligan autograph photos/Chatsworth/Haddon Hall photos 
courtesy of Maia. Thanks a lot!)


NOTE: Were you lucky enough to have met Matthew Macfadyen, Keira Knightley, Rosamund Pike, Carey Mulligan, Jena Malone and other  and crew (ie. Joe Wright, Dario Marianelli) or got a letter reply (with a signed autograph photo) from any or one of them? Contact and email me your fan story so we can all be jealous of you! See more fan stories archived here: P&P Fan Encounters.


  1. Such a wonderful experience! Congratulations to Maia, hopefully I can visit Chatsworth someday too! :-)

  2. Thank you for the lovely posts of my visit to "Pemberley" :) Chatsworth made an affection eternal on me, for sure!!!! Thanks posting the photos about the special exhibition,also!!!! And of CM autographs ^^^^ Thank you!!!!

    And Tania-thank you as well, if you once get there you will be enchanted!!! :)


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