P&P Fan Encounter: Maia's Keira Knightley Signed Autograph Photo!

Another lovely P&P fan story from Maia (from Hungary), who previously shared here, her P&P Fan Encounter: Maia's Rosamund Pike Autographed Photos last month. This time she wrote a fan mail to the lovely Keira Knightley, which she got quick a reply. She's sharing her fan story (of getting in touch with one of the 2005 P&P actors) and scanned photos featured here in this blog, which will be archived in the extra page: P&P Fan Encounters. Once again, THANK YOU, Maia! :-)

Now, read Maia's Keira Knightley fan story (with KK signed autograph photos included) as she wrote it herself...
My Keira Knightley's Signed Photo!
by Maia, from Hungary

This is a short story, because to my biggest surprise, the respond letter arrived exactly just within a month. The whole story started when I thought of writing a letter to the lovely Keira Knightley, in which I searched for her fan mail address (which was the same as Rosamund Pike was) and suddenly I decided to write her. I did. I enclosed two pictures of her, a self-stamped address white envelope and my letter, of course, where I told her of all my love, respect, admiration for her. :)) I posted it on 9th November, 2012.

Then, I was sure that she will answer to me at once. I wanted to encouraged everybody to write to the person they want, because I think (as I also mentioned to Keira in my letter for her) that my love for her is for eternity, so it does not matter when her reply will arrive, and was sure that one day it will. So, I do not care about when, because I'll love her always and for eternity!!!! I'm a huge fan, can't you tell?!

So I continued this way, I have been very busy with university and was never thinking of getting a reply so soon. Then, exactly one month later, on 10 December 2012, my father called me on my mobile and told me that I got a letter from England, as he saw it in the envelope (he does not understand very much English, ahaaahaha). I immediately asked him, "is this a white envelope"? (Cause I knew that I enclosed a white one for her) and he told me that yes, it was a white envelope. Then I realized that I received Keira's reply! I am studying in a different place where I live, so I had to wait a whole week until that Friday when I got home and opened the envelope. The result was sooo lovely!!!

I got a signed picture of her and a very nice letter from her office. Although it was not personalized, but I am much more satisfied that they had taken into consideration, my letter, as they said Keira had read my letter and sent that picture of her with her best wishes. Should I wish for more??? No!!! I am very happy with it!!!! Also, I do not care about if everybody who write to her, get this same picture or this letter, never mind that, this is mine, and I am very happy with it!!!! My pride, my treasure:))
Thanks for reading!!!! I highly recommend everybody to write her or any of her P&P co-stars. P&P (2005) actors (especially Keira and Rosamund, whom I had a pleasure of writing and had gotten a reply from both!) are so lovely, I am sure that they all are!!!!

Check out all of...
Maia's Keira Knightley signed (and scanned) autograph photos
(All KK autograph scanned photos courtesy of Maia | Thanks)


  1. Thanks at you, for this lovely post,here! I am honoured that both of my stories have been posted here, and have a place in your blog such a lovely way! Thanks!

    Love XX

    Maia :*


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