P&P Fan Encounter: Maia's Rosamund Pike Autographed Photos

Here's another lovely P&P fan story from a wonderful friend and another huge Pride & Prejudice movie fan...Maia from Hungary, whom I had asked to submit her wonderful fan story of writing Rosamund Pike (she had previously told me about this) and getting a reply from her, as I wanted to feature her fan story (of getting in touch with one of the 2005 P&P actors) here in this blog and will be archived in the extra page: P&P Fan Encounters. Thanks a lot Maia! :-)

Now, read Maia's Rosamund Pike fan story as she wrote it herself...

My Rosamund Pike's Signed Photos!
by Maia
Hello everyone! I am Maia from Hungary and I'm glad to share my fan story here at Pride & Prejudice Blog with everyone. :) As those who submitted their fan stories here, I suppose we are greatest fans and devoted to the movie and the cast of P&P 2005. :) Yeah, me too. :) My "fan story" is in connection with the loveliest Rosamund Pike aka the beautiful Jane Bennet in the [P&P] movie. As I live so far away from P&P actors, unfortunately, I haven't been fortunate enough to meet with them personally, but I am writing fan letters to them, who are really nice and important to me. :) I cannot explain why, but from the first moment I felt Ros' (short for Rosamund) Jane Bennet character to be most near to me, and my soul. From my "first impression" of her, I knew that she was really lovely and her character is the closest to mine. Of course, the other is Keira Knightley's Lizzie character too. :) I must say, Ros is like an angel, and I really felt like writing her a fanmail. So, I did...

The whole story began when I searched for Rosamund and found a twitter account. To my biggest surprise that account started to follow me back (you can imagine my enthusiasm) and sometimes she would reply to my tweets on twitter. I was so happy! But later, it turned out that this account was a fake one (and has since been deleted) and I felt myself really disappointed, not in her, but in the world, that someone could do it...so bad. :O My friend, who lives in Liverpool (England) in connection with it, wrote her a fanmail also and she got back a handwritten letter from Rosamund!!!! :O That was back in April, Ros wrote to my friend, that yes, it was true she had not been at twitter...no, never. So it was fake and at that time she has just given birth to her first child, Solo. :))) It was a secret, but yes, everyone, her child was born in April, not in May, when she announced this news in front of the journalists. :))) So, apart from this, she (my friend) encouraged me to write her a fanmail also. So I did and had a luck with it. I searched for her mailing address and wrote a letter to her where I can write about my admiration for her and her personality and how I like her in P&P movie :))) and so on...I posted/sent it on the day, 2nd of May!!!

I remember when I left my RP letter at the hand of the postman, I was crying :)))) then, no more...just left to wait for her reply. I was certain and believed she'll likely to reply, 'cause I knew that time, she was at home with her newborn baby, so she may have a little bit more time to just signed two photos I sent and requested her to sign. :))) And yes, (a thousand times yes!) she did!!!! :)) When I was in London, I thought I would search for the street where my letter was posted/sent, ahaha...but could not find it. :))) Then, I got back home and within 3 months, last 17th of July my mother woke me up with a scream and told me: "Ros answered to you, Maia, Ros, answered to you!!!!! That is from her, that is from her, isn't it???" I immediately woke up and started to scream and answered, yes, yes, it is from her. :)))) So I was so happy. :))) Now, I have the two signed personalized pictures with her lovely signature on them, which I had them framed and are on display on the wall of my room. :)))

So yeah...that is my Rosamund Pike fan story.
 Here are the pics. Enjoy them! Thanks for taking the time to read this post. :))

Maia's Rosamund Pike 
Signed Autograph Photos
(all RP autograph photos courtesy of Maia)

Also, Maia met Judi Dench and Keira Knightley in London...sort of...

Maia poses with Judi Dench's wax figure
at Madame Tussauds in London, England (UK)

Maia poses with Keira Knightley's wax figure
at Madame Tussauds in London, England (UK)

Hope you all enjoy reading Maia
's RP fan story as well as viewing her RP autograph photos and her KK and JD wax figures photos. Thanks Maia for sharing your lovely RP fan story here on the P&P Blog.


  1. Thanks at you dear Jeane!!!!
    It is lovely, i have such fun while i was reading it again:) Thank you!!!

  2. You're welcome, Maia. And thanks for sharing your RP fan story and pics. I enjoyed reading it as well. :)


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