Pride & Prejudice References in Pop Culture

I've always (or rather mostly) either read or hear a P&P reference in other non-P&P books, in movies, magazines, reviews, or celebrities mentioning Pride and Prejudice /Jane Austen.

I thought I'd post here about P&P,
the most popular Jane Austen novel, the miniseries, P&P (2005) movie or any of the P&P characters (ie. Elizabeth & Darcy) that were referenced a lot in books, magazines, movies, reviews, etc...

Here are just some of the many references I've compiled here to share with you all, which I've actually first posted here. If you have any to share. Feel free to comment and post here as well. I'd love to add them here. Thanks in advance.

P&P/Jane Austen in popular Books (mostly the ones I've read anyway...)

In a book from Silhoutte Special Edition series entitled "Dream Groom" by Susan Mallery - it's about Cassie Wright (no relation to Joe Wright, of course!) who’s helping her boss, Ryan Lawford, look after his orphaned niece. (Thanks to my friend Liz from the P&P forum for this)...

The P&P/Darcy/Elizabeth quote is from Page 26:

She wished there was a way to prolong their conversation. Ryan’s confession of his feelings had only added fuel to the fire that was her infatuation. After all, now he was more than a pretty face ?he was also emotionally tortured. How was she supposed to resist that ? It was just like a scene out of Pride and Prejudice, she thought dreamily as she walked into the family room. Ryan was Darcy, proud and standoffish. She was plucky Elizabeth. In time he would realize that she was the ..

In the novel/book titled Jane Austen in Scarsdale or Love, Death, and the SATs by Paula Marantz Cohen, here's a quote on chapter thirty seven, page 185:

"I think the house looks more like Mr. Darcy's house in Pride and Prejudice, though admittedly on a much smaller scale." said Kirsten in her intelligent, lightly accented voice. "As I recall, it was his house that made Elizabeth Bennet fall in love with him ---she thought it reflected his character."

Twilight (the first book of the vampire saga) by Stephenie Meyer.

Here's the JA (even S&S and MP books/characters)/P&P mention in...

Chapter 7 - Nightmare, page 147-148:

"I decided to kill an hour with non-school-related reading. I had a small collection of books that came with me to Forks, the shabbiest volume being a compilation of the works of Jane Austen. I selected that one and headed to the backyard..."

"I lay on my stomach, crossing my ankles in the air, flipping through the different novels in the book, trying to decide which would occupy my mind the most thoroughly. My favorites were Pride & Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. I'd read the first most recently, so I started into Sense and Sensibility, only to remember after I began chapter three that the hero of the story happened to be named Edward. Angrily, I turned to Mansfield Park, bu the hero of that piece was named Edmund, and that was too close. Weren't there any other names available in the late eighteenth century?"

Also, in Eclipse (the 3rd book from the Twilight series) by Stephenie Meyer.

Elizabeth & Darcy were mentioned on Chapter 1 - Ultimatum, page 28...

"I can't believe you're reading Wuthering Heights again. Don't you know it by heart yet?"
"Not all of us have photographic memories," I said curtly.
"Photographic memory or not, I don't understand why you like it. The characters are ghastly people who ruin each others' lives. I don't know how Heathcliff and Cathy ended up being ranked with couples like Romeo and Juliet or Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. It isn't a love story, it's a hate story."

The P&P '05/Keira Knightley/Matthew Macfadyen references from Me & Mr. Darcy novel...

- "I just saw the film adaptation with Keira Knightley on DVD. Wasn't it wonderful?"
- I glance at it. It's a picture of Matthew Macfadyen playing Mr. Darcy. He's gorgeous, but even so, he's not a patch on my Mr. Darcy.
- Shaped into a crescent and artistically lit by a row of wrought-iron lampposts, they look too perfect to be real, as if we've happened upon a movie set and any minute I'm going to hear "Action" and see Keira Knightley appear in a corset.
- First up on the list, and scheduled for right after breakfast, is the movie adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, the one starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. I decide to pass. It's a great movie, and Matthew Macfadyen is a babe, but I've seen it on DVD twice already. And anyway, I don't feel in the mood for watching a movie.
- Just imagine. There'd be no Colin Firth in the lake scene, no Matthew Macfadyen striding through the mist, no Mark Darcy for Bridget Jones.

In A Match Made on Madison by Dee Davis just mentioned JA on Chapter 5, page 62:

"You sound like Jane Austen." We've read her books in high school." Well, actually, Cybil read them. I sort of got the gist vicariously, If you know what I mean. I've never been a big reader."

Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella (she has a bit of P&P connection...her married last name is Wickham) and P&P was randomly mention.

Chapter 6, page 87, Rebecca Bloomwood mentioned P&P...

"Oh, wow!" cries Suze, as she pulls out a picture in an old gilt frame. "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" She's looking from Tarquin to Fenella with shining eyes, and I looked at the picture interestedly over her shoulder. But to be honest, I can't say I'm impressed. For a start, it's really dingy - all sludgy green and browns - and for another start, it just shows a horse standing still in a field. I mean, couldn't it have been jumping over a fence or rearing up or something? Or maybe trotting along in Hyde Park, ridden by a girl in one of those lovely Pride and Prejudice dresses.

In Julie & Julia, a memoir (based on two true stories by Julia Child and author Julie Powell herself) by Julie Powell. She mentioned Jane Austen in page 133.

"I felt like a Jane Austen heroine all of a sudden (except, of course, that Jane Austen heroines never cook) confusedly looking on at all the people she loves, their myriad unpredictable couplings and uncouplings. There would be no marriages at the end of this, Austen novel, though, no happy endings, no endings at all. Just jokes and friendships and romances and delicious declarations of independence."

P&P on TV/Movie...

A P&P/Matthew Macfadyen:

Matthew Macfadyen was in Spooks (MI-5 in the U.S.). In Spooks/MI-5, the character that replaced MM was sent away to a safe house and he takes the book Pride and Prejudice!

More P&P mentions

Celebs mentioning P&P...

Alicia Silverstone -
She was asked by OK magazine in a 2006 interview if she ever wants to do a period movie and what should it be. She said, she'd love to and she'd love to do something like Pride & Prejudice-ish type of period movie.

FYI: Alicia Silverstone attended the London Premiere of Pride & Prejudice (2005) film premiere back in September 2005! (see pic ^ of her with Sophie Okonedo at the premiere to your right!)

- In People Magazine's December 24 Issue, in the Children's Books section, Keira Knightley herself was quoted as saying P&P as her pick of books she loved reading as a kid.

Star Picks: When I was a kid, I really loved reading ...

"I think actually it was Pride and Prejudice. I was totally obssessed from about the age of 8 on." - Keira Knightley

More P&P/JA References Related Posts/Links:

Speaking of P&P/JA and Mr. Darcy...color me surprise, while google searching for more P&P references, I found an I love Mr Darcy products website with the following cool I love Mr. Darcy (and Jane Austen) designed products from hats, key chains, bags, mouse pads, aprons, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, etc. I thought Twilight and Harry Potter series were the only novels with these type of products, lol...but wow, P&P does too (which I've always thought should have one anyways). How cool!

Here are some of the coolest I Love Mr. Darcy Gift Products from

[source: all i love mr darcy products images by]

Aren't they gorgeous? I love them all! I'd love to have an I love Mr. Darcy t-shirt or key chain, or even a hat or a mug...better yet, I want them all, ha-ha-ha! Too bad, I don't have UK Pounds, lol. Well, if you want to have your own I love Mr Darcy products, check out more of them here to purchase them.

More P&P/Jane Austen merchandise from Cafe Press:

P&P '05/MM Related T-shirts and accessories

Matthew is my favorite Mr. Darcy


View several more P&P/JA related products here and shop @!

Plus P&P '05 Posters/Door banners from Adam's Posters:

[source: Adam's Posters]

Update 8.11.09

Here's another P&P/JA reference...(thanks to
Lizzy for this one!)

Popular Movies

In Bridget Jones Diary movie starring Renee Zellwegger. Renee's character Bridget Jones referenced the infamous first sentence of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice novel ("It is truth universally acknowledge that...") and, of course, Colin Firth's character's named is Mark Darcy (obviously, a nod to his Mr. Darcy in P&P 1995 BBC/A&E mini-series).

Bridget Jones: "It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces."


  1. There are also loads of references to and parodies of the first sentence of Jane Austen's book ('It is a truth universally acknowledged...'). For example, in Bridget Jones she says 'It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.' So true!

  2. Thanks Lizzy for the comment here and for that Bridget Jones P&P reference. I'll add it here. :)


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