An Online Petition for a special Pride & Prejudice (2005) 10th Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray Edition!

Last month, I posted here in this blog about My 10 Pride & Prejudice 10th Year Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray Wishlist and I'm very glad to know that the majority of P&P fans (especially the devoted fans of this movie) want the same thing of most of what I listed on my wishlist. A fellow P&P movie fan (ChrissUS) was very kind enough to help and collaborate with me with my P&P DVD/Blu-ray wishlist to start an online petition for all P&P fans (especially to those of you who loved this movie so much as we do) around the world to help, support, and sign the online petition to make this happen.

So, please help, support, share, spread the word, and sign this online petition here for: Pride & Prejudice (2005) 10th Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray Fan Edition!

Also, feel free to use these campaign signature banners (made by ChrissUS too) on various social media to share and spread the word about this online petition. Thanks.


  1. Loved the movie, cast and the way it was filmed. One of the great movies from a wonderful and talented author.
    Thanks every so much!
    My favorite of all times.

  2. Hello! Why not make an extended production with scenes deleted from the movie Pride and Prejudice, for people who really are fans?
    The film scene where Darcy appears dancing with her sister Bingley, for example, was very badly edited. How could he be dancing with her is gone in the opposite direction to the dance floor? I loved this film.


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