DVD News: Colin Firth's The King's Speech coming to DVD and Blu-ray April 19th!

The 4-time Academy Award Winning film, The King's Speech is coming to DVD and Blu-ray April 19th! DVD Active has the following DVD and Blu-ray info for Academy award winning film , The King's Speech ( Best Picture ) starring Academy Award winner Colin Firth ( Best Actor ), Academy Award Nominee Geoffrey Rush , Academy Award Nominee Helena Bonham Carter , and Jennifer Ehle . Title: The King's Speech ( IMDb ) Starring: Colin Firth Released: 19th April 2011 SRP: $29.98 (DVD) Further Details: Anchor Bay Entertainment and The Weinstein Company has announced DVD ( $29.98 ) and Blu-ray ( $39.99 ) releases of The King's Speech for April 19th . Extra material will include an audio commentary with director Tom Hooper , a 20-minute “ Making Of The King’s Speech ” featurette, archival footage of the actual King George VI , and much more. See the attached DVD and Blu-ray artwork below: