Smart & Smarter: Joe Wright & Keira Knightley

From Entertainment Magazine's The 50 Smartest People In Hollywood (It's not about money anymore) December 7, 2007 issue (with actor Will Smith on the cover). Keira and Joe Wright (both star and director of P&P & Atonement) made it to EW's Smart & Smarter list.

Smart and Smarter

Our list focuses on the 50 brainiest individuals in Hollywood, but what about the industry's successful partnerships? Sometimes intelligence can be measured only in twos - and we're smart enough to recognize that.

Here was what EW said about Keira and Joe...

Joe Wright and Keira Knightley

(pride & prejudice set)

(atonement set)
They can't quite claim the lofty status of Director and Muse yet, but Wright and Knightley are off to an impressive start. In Pride & Prejudice and next month's Atonement, Knightley infuses Wright's gilded period environments with youthful, modern fire. Wright returns the favor by handling his ingenue complex roles that showcase her range. Pride scored Knightley her first Oscar nod. Atonement may be her second - and his first.

Source: Entertainment Weekly Magazine


Not too mention...they also worked together on Keira's CoCo Chanel Ad commercial, which Joe also directed...EW failed to mention this, lol...

Plus more Joe & Keira photos from a Vanity Fair Magazine photo shoot promoting Atonement...

More pics of Joe and Keira ...

promoting Atonement 2007:

@ venice film festival 2007 Premiere:

@ Toronto Film Festival 2007 Premiere:

P&P promotion...

@ NYC 2005 Premiere:

@ Toronto Film Festival 2005 Premiere:


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