Watch: Pride & Prejudice (2005) - Filming Locations and Behind The Scenes Videos

For a long time, I have been trying to post the Filming Locations and Behind The Scenes videos of Pride & Prejudice movie here, but unfortunately, there were no videos available on YouTube (or anywhere on the web) until recently thanks to MOVIECLIPSextras. So, I've made some screen captures of them and embedded here 6 P&P BTS videos (plus 2 more additional BTS videos for a total of 8!) for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Pride & Prejudice starring: Keira KnightleyMatthew MacfadyenBrenda BlethynDonald SutherlandJudi DenchTom HollanderRosamund PikeJena MaloneCarey MulliganTalulah RileySimon WoodsKelly ReillyClaudie BlakleyRupert Friend and .

The six P&P videos here were taken from the P&P movie's DVD Special Features: The Stately Homes of Pride & Prejudice and The Politics of 18th Century Dating.

And the other two videos from E!'s Special: Behind The Scenes - Pride & Prejudice and the Pride & Prejudice Diaries (this was featured from the UK/International DVD Extras, but unfortunately, the P&P Diaries documentary, which was uploaded in YT in 4 video parts some years ago, the video links I previously posted no longer works). 

Watch the P&P BTS videos with some selected screen captures below...



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