Pride and Prejudice Quotes from Novel to Film (Chapter 6)

Continuing from my previous posts (Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5) and moving  on to Chapter 6, which was about the (Netherfield Ball scene in the movie with Charlotte Lucas' most memorable line, "We are all fools in love.") conversations between Elizabeth Bennet and her friend Charlotte about Jane & Bingley's relationship.

Pride and Prejudice - Chapter 6

"We can all begin freely -- a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better shew more affection than she feels. Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly; but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on.'' (Charlotte)
 ``But she does help him on, as much as her nature will allow. If I can perceive her regard for him, he must be a simpleton indeed not to discover it too.'' (Lizzy)

``Remember, Eliza, that he does not know Jane's disposition as you do.'' (Charlotte)

``But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.'' (Charlotte)

"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other, or ever so similar before-hand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.'' (Charlotte)

 Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Movie Script

"Clearly my family are having a competition to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule." (Lizzie)
"Well, at least Bingley has not noticed." (Charlotte)
"No. I think he likes her very much." (Lizzie)
"But does she like him? There are few of us who are secure enough to be really in love without proper encouragement. Bingley likes her enormously but might not do more if she does not help him on." (Charlotte)

"But she's just shy and modest. If he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool." (Lizzie)
"We are all fools in love. He does not know her character as we do. She should move fast, snap him up. There is plenty of time for us to get to know them after we're married." (Charlotte)


  1. So does the quote “we are all fools in love” only come from the movie?


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