Douglas Booth and Emma Greenwell join the Cast of 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' film

The Cast of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Seth Grahame-Smith's film adaptation of Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice is filling up as Douglas Booth (Noah, Great Expectations) and Emma Greenwell (Shameless) are added to the cast as the Bingley siblings. They are joining the already announced PPZ cast, Downton Abbey's Lily James (aka Lady Rose) in the lead role as Elizabeth BennetSam Riley (Maleficentas Mr. Darcy, Jack Huston (Boardwalk Empire) as Wickhamand Bella Heathcote (Dark Shadowswill play as Elizabeth's sister (no mention of which sister, but I'm guessing it's Jane Bennet). Natalie Portman is one of the producers in this film through her HandsomeCharlie Films production company in collaboration with Cross Creek Pictures and Darko Entertainment with Universal Pictures distributing for the US.  (Charlie St. Cloud) is directing and worked on the screenplay, which David O. Russell (American Hustle, Silver Linings Playbook, The Fighter) started. Filming starts this month (more casting news to come soon) and it's slated for a worldwide 2015 theater release.

Here are Emma Greenwell and Douglas Booth's casting announcements:

  1. (via Variety (blog) ‎- September 4, 2014)
    Filming will start in September. Cross Creek Pictures, which has a distribution deal with Universal, has acquired domestic rights...

'Noah's Douglas Booth Joins 'Pride And Prejudice And Zombies'

(via 3, 2014)
EXCLUSIVE: British actor Douglas Booth is joining the cast of the classic lit mash-up Pride And Prejudice And Zombies...

More casting announcements (if you missed it):

'Boardwalk Empire's Jack Huston Joins 'Pride And Prejudice And Zombies'

(via 12, 2014)
... Seth Grahame-Smith's Pride And Prejudice And Zombies. He joins British actors Lily James and Sam Riley and Australia's Bella Heathcote...

Undead: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies resurrected with Lily James, Sam Riley, and Bella Heathcote to star

(via - Aug 4, 2014) 
EXCLUSIVE: The adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith's Pride And Prejudice And Zombies has been seeking big-screen life ...


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