Watch the BBC One trailer for 'South Riding' featuring Penelope Wilton

 (source: BBC One)

BBC One's new 3-part series South Riding starring starring David Morrissey (The Other Boleyn Girl, Sense and Sensibility 2008), Anna Maxwell Martin (Becoming Jane, North & South), and (Downton Abbey, Pride & Prejudice 2005) written and adapted by Andrew Davies (P&P '95, Little Dorrit, Doctor Zhivago 2002, Wives & Daughters, The Three Musketeers 2011, etc.) from Winifred Holtby's novel of the same title will premiere this month, February 20th (part 1 of 3) on BBC One (see two clips here).

The trailer features Penelope Wilton, which you can check out and watch below after the following TV schedule (for both the UK and US) as well as see a few screen caps I made from the trailer...
South Riding TV Schedule
UK's BBC ONE - February 20 (Part 1 of 3)
South Riding
The lives and loves of a 1930s Yorkshire town explored in a passionate tale of politics in small places, written by Andrew Davies, starring David Morrissey and Anna Maxwell Martin.

US' PBS Masterpiece Classic - May 1, 8, 15, 2011
MAY 1 – 15 South Riding
Anna Maxwell Martin (Bleak House) and David Morrissey (Sense & Sensibility) lead the cast
in Andrew Davies‘s (Bleak House, Little Dorrit) three-part adaptation of Winifred Holtby’s
moving love story, which provides a panoramic portrait of a Yorkshire community in the
1930s. (3 parts, 60 minutes each)

Watch the trailer 
featuring Penelope Wilton
(source: Video1066user)

Trailer screen caps
featuring Penelope Wilton


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