P&P Fan Survey: Pride and Prejudice novel (Part 1) [Poll is now Closed!]

Just for fun. For those of you who are fans of the book and have already read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. This P&P fan survey/poll is for you.

Note: Be sure to vote on the P&P polls (with viewable results) as I'll be closing them on March 3rd. Extended it until March 9th! Poll is now CLOSED. Thanks for Voting!

Answer the P&P novel Questions or VOTE once or multiple times in the following P&P polls about the novel...

1. Have you read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice novel?
2. If you have read Pride and Prejudice, how many times have read it?
3. Favorite character(s) in Pride and Prejudice novel?
4. Favorite OTP/Couple in Pride and Prejudice novel?
5. Favorite Volume in Pride and Prejudice?
6. Favorite Chapter(s) in Pride and Prejudice novel?
7. Character you love to hate in Pride and Prejudice novel?
8. Favorite Quote(s) in Pride and Prejudice novel?
9. Favorite passage or scene(s) in Pride and Prejudice novel?
10. Favorite location/home in Pride and Prejudice?
11. Favorite Bennet sister in Pride and Prejudice?
12. Favorite marriage proposal in Pride and Prejudice?

or VOTE in the P&P polls (same questions with choices/options for your to pick from) below...

P&P Fan Survey: Pride & Prejudice TV & Film Adaptations (Part 2) post is coming up next...TBC!


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